What is the Root of All Disease?

They say that money is the root of all evil. Well, chronic inflammation can be known as the root of all disease.

Numerous diseases including cancer, heart disease and obesity, are caused by inflammation that occurs within our bodies. However not all inflammation is bad. Inflammation is the way our bodies react when the the body is injured or ill, the lymphatic (immune) system springs into action. This causes a swarm of white blood cells to rush to the area of concern via increased blood flow, thus  explaining the redness, swelling and inflamed surface of the affected area (more visible via the skin).

Chronic inflammation occurs when the immune system overreacts and begins attacking healthy body tissues. Autoimmune disorder like leaky gut and inflammation in otherwise healthy areas of the body are most likely to occur. Even in diseases that aren’t autoimmune, the body continuously tries to heal the tissues in a particular area, which is caused by inflammation.

To reduce chronic inflammation there are numerous foods that assist in reducing the risks of inflammation in your body. These foods can easily be adapted into your everyday meals. It’s the little baby steps that count and you’ll be on your way to better health in no time!

The top 5 foods to reduce inflammation include the following:


Beetroots contain the antioxidant betalain which gives them their deep red colour and is an excellent anti-inflammatory. Beetroots repair cells and adds an immense amount of  inflammation-fighting potassium and magnesium to your diet. Add some to your next juice or salad, or during the cooler months, they can be mixed into your fav roast veggies in the oven.


Broccoli has a particularly rich source of a flavonoid called kaempferol. The kaempferol contained in broccoli provides anti-inflammatory health benefits to our body. The kaempferol in broccoli also lessens the impact of allergy-related substances on our body. There are so many ways to add this green goodness into your diet. Even in your green smoothie it adds to a great colour and combo, or just steamed with some extra virgin olive oil with himalayan or celtic salt. Another one of our favs is creamed broccoli soup during winter. YUM!

Leafy greens

Everyone knows that leafy greens are good for you, but consuming them consistently is a different matter! Greens are one of the vegetables that you can never get enough of to improve your health and boost weight loss. This is because leafy vegetables are full of fiber along with vitamins, minerals, and plant-based substances that help protect you from heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Greens contain a vast amount of vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, C & K, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.


These little balls of goodness are jam packed with antioxidants. Blueberries contain phytonutrients that fend against many diseases such as cancer and dementia. Blueberries are also part of the “Dirty Dozen” list so it may be best to opt for organic options if possible, as these beauties may be more harmful than good with the amount of pesticides and insecticides that are sprayed on them.


There are four main types of spices that are great anti-inflammatories. These include cloves, ginger, turmeric and rosemary. Many of these are found in your typical Indian cuisine, especially cloves and turmeric. Ginger can also be easily added to any Asian dish, typically before adding your veggies in to bring out the ginger flavour first.

These are just a few of the common anti-inflammatory foods that you can consume to reduce inflammation in your body. Don’t be afraid of mixing your daily diet up or trying new things! Health can be fun and tasty! Just think of your future self!   


  • N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.
  • “Top 15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods – Dr. Axe”. Dr. Axe. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.
  • https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/02/02/anti-inflammatory-foods-herbs-spices.aspx

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