Top 5 Tips to Stay Healthy, Even on Social Outings

We are all prone to overindulging a little at social outings, and sometimes it doesn’t just stop there. Sometimes these little spurts of indulgence ends up becoming bad habits that stick like superglue! So what is the key to staying healthy in the long run, even on social occasions? We’ve compiled a list for you that may assist in keeping that superglue off! 

Snack healthily

It’s important to opt for healthy snacks on the go, in between meals. But what exactly is ‘healthy’? There are various levels of the term health and it’s different for everyone. Health to us is consuming wholesome plant based foods that are as close as possible to it’s original natural form. Opt for a piece of fruit, a handful of raw nuts or if you must purchase processed snacks, read the ingredients first before placing it in your trolley. Opt for ones with no numbers, preservatives, colours and additives.

Choose wisely

There are many options for eating out, and when you have the freedom to choose, always opt for a place that has at least a few healthy alternatives. You may even choose to eat a small portion at home first and only order a side dish or entree if they are the only healthy options available.

Plan ahead

If you’re aware of social outings with a bit of notice, or if you know you’re going to be away from home for a fair amount of hours, it’s easy to plan ahead and work around it. Prepare snacks beforehand that you can bring along when you get peckish, even make yourself a filling superfood smoothie on the go that you can indulge in whilst in transit. While you may not have access to healthy foods / snacks / drinks away from home, you’ll know you have instant access to them in your carry bag on the go if you prepare beforehand!

Drink healthy liquids

Even when you’re heading for a night out, there are healthier alternatives that you can sip on. If you crave a fizzy drink, try tonic water with lemon and lime. Not only is it refreshing but it has very minimal sugar! If you must have that alcoholic drink, see if there are any organic varieties. Certain bars and restaurant these days will have at least one organic option.

Choose to walk wherever you can

If your chosen destination for entertainment is a stone throw away, ditch the Uber and opt to walk (if the weather calls for it)! Catch public transport – to save the environment & get some walking km’s in! There’s always a healthier option to get to your destination!

We hope the above 5 tips will give you some ideas and inspiration to a healthier you in 2017! If you have any personal tips to enlighten us with, please feel free to share with us below.

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