How to Transform Negative Energy in Your Life

We all have that friend who just never has a positive thing to say about anything that happens in life. The friend who’s always the ‘victim’ and doesn’t take responsibility for what happens to them. And sometimes, it’s ourselves…(mirror check). Below are a few simple tips on how to transform negative energy into more positive ones. Remember practice makes perfect!


There are two parts of bringing ‘awareness’ to any scenario in order to transform negative energy into positive or neutral ones. The first is to be aware of the negativity. The second is to bring awareness to the information but not become attached to it. When you notice yourself becoming obsessed or immersed in the information or situation, it’s a sign to step back and re-evaluate the circumstance or let it go.

Constant positive reminders

We all know that the more you visualize or see something, the more you become attracted to it. We suggest placing positive quotes around your work desk or positive photographs and text around your living space to provide that positive energy where you spend your time the most. Each time you’re reminded of these quotes or images, the feeling or emotion that the quote or image exert becomes stronger and stronger. When you are faced with negative vibes or energy the impact becomes lessened as the positive vibes are much stronger from your constant positive reminders.

Surround yourself with positive people

You are a reflection of the average of the 5 people you spend most time with. So why not keep your productive and positive friends closer and slowly the ones that may possibly drag you down or are always thinking how things can’t be done, will slowly disappear.

Opportunity and not challenge

When you look at situations and circumstances as opportunities rather than challenges, it doesn’t feel as hard. The word ‘opportunity’ has a more positive connotation rather than the word ‘challenge’, and therefore the task seems more enjoyable or easier.

Take responsibility

Once you make the choice to take responsibility, you have full control of how you react and portray the situation. You will also gain full control of how the result will pan out.

Finding the positives in every negative situation

In life, you always have a choice to view the glass as half full or half empty. Our perceptions are dependent on this very choice that we make, whether we choose to look at things from a positive perspective or a negative perspective. If you’re in the habit of thinking negatively in the first instance, you can retrain your brain to start thinking positively. The first step is to recognize that you’re starting to think negatively, try to then shift the focus on what positive outcomes can arise from that situation. The more you practice the easier it becomes second nature.

Hopefully the above tips will assist you on your way to positive living and make it easier to smile, be happy and content each and everyday. Remember, each thought that we create is within our control.



  • Jon Gordon, author. “15 Ways To Turn Negative Energy Into Positive Solutions”. ITworld. N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Feb. 2017.
  • Wilson, Erik. “5 Ways To Turn Negativity Into Positive Motivating Energy”. N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Feb. 2017.

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