Top 5 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

You may have seen apple cider vinegar sitting on the shelves of supermarkets and health food stores, you may have heard about the various uses of this particular vinegar, but did you know the amazing health benefits that apple cider vinegar brings? We will look at the top 5 health benefits that this murky sour goodness provides.

1. Promotes healthy cholesterol

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) naturally lowers your cholesterol as it has been shown to increase bile production and support liver function. Liver and bile are very important for the processing of and creating and breaking down cholesterol1

2. Increase metabolism & assists with weight loss

ACV appears to have an anti-obesity effect by increasing satiety and reducing the total amount of food consumed2.

3. Reduces blood sugar levels

Studies have shown that ACV has strong anti-glycemic properties that support a healthy blood sugar level. It is believed that the acetic acid in vinegar may lower blood sugar by preventing the entire digestion of complex carbohydrates. This is accomplished either by accelerating gastric emptying or increasing the uptake of glucose by bodily tissues2.

4. Improves nutrient absorption

The acetic acid in ACV can increase your body’s absorption of important minerals from the food you eat. To absorb the nutrients from your leafy greens, add some ACV to your salad!

5. Balances pH levels

The body consistently seeks to achieve a state of homeostasis, or a state of equilibrium. In order to assist with this, the body tries to keep its pH level within the normal range of 7.35 – 7.45. Apple cider vinegar helps the body maintain a healthy alkaline pH level of 7.43.


Always choose an apple cider vinegar that is unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized. Make sure that the liquid looks murky and not clear and contains the ‘mother’. 

Let us know in the comments below, if you’ve ever used ACV before, and if so in what way?! We’d love to hear from you!


  1. “Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits Cholesterol & Metabolism – Dr. Axe”. Dr. Axe. N.p., 2015. Web. 7 Mar. 2016.
  2. “Surprising Apple Cider Vinegar Uses: How It Can Change Your Life”. N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Mar. 2016.
  3. “10 Reasons To Drink More Apple Cider Vinegar”. Daily Health Post. N.p., 2014. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.

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